Welcome to Boostix

Boostix is an AI-powered advertising platform that helps you optimize and scale your campaigns across multiple platforms.

Quick Start

Get started quickly by following our installation guide and checking out the examples.


Install the Boostix SDK using npm:

npm install @boostix/sdk

Quick Start

This guide will help you quickly set up and start using Boostix in your project.

Step 1: Install the SDK

Install the Boostix SDK using npm:

npm install @boostix/sdk

Step 2: Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with your API key:

import { BoostixSDK } from '@boostix/sdk';
            const boostix = new BoostixSDK({
                apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
                environment: 'production' // Use 'sandbox' for testing

Step 3: Create Your First Campaign

Create a new campaign using the SDK:

const campaign = await boostix.campaigns.create({
                name: 'My First Campaign',
                budget: 5000,
                platforms: ['facebook', 'instagram'],
                targeting: {
                    countries: ['US'],
                    ageRange: { min: 18, max: 45 }
            console.log('Campaign Created:', campaign);

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.


All requests to the Boostix API must be authenticated using your API key. The API key should be included in the Authorization header of every request.

Using the API Key

Include your API key in the header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Generating an API Key

You can generate an API key from the Boostix dashboard under the API Settings section.

Security Note

Keep your API key secure and do not share it publicly. If your API key is compromised, you can regenerate it from the dashboard.

API Authentication

All API requests require authentication using your API key in the header:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

API Overview

The Boostix API provides endpoints to manage campaigns, retrieve analytics, and optimize your advertising efforts.

Base URL

All API requests are made to the following base URL:



The API is organized into the following resources:

  • Campaigns: Create, update, and manage advertising campaigns.
  • Analytics: Retrieve real-time performance data for your campaigns.
  • Optimization: Enable AI-driven optimization for your campaigns.

Rate Limits

The API has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute per API key. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.

Campaigns API

List Campaigns

curl -X GET "https://api.boostix.agency/v1/campaigns" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
         "name": "Summer Campaign 2025",
         "budget": 5000,
         "platforms": ["facebook", "instagram"],
         "optimization": {
             "target": "ROAS",
             "minimumValue": 2.5

Response Codes

400Bad Request - Invalid parameters
401Unauthorized - Invalid API key
429Too Many Requests

Analytics API

Access real-time analytics data for your campaigns.

Get Campaign Analytics

curl -X GET "https://api.boostix.agency/v1/analytics/campaigns/12345" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

SDK Setup

Initialize the Boostix SDK in your application:

import { BoostixSDK } from '@boostix/sdk';

const boostix = new BoostixSDK({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    environment: 'production'
Environment Settings

Use 'sandbox' for development and testing, 'production' for live campaigns.

Basic Usage

This section covers the basic usage of the Boostix SDK to interact with the API.

Initializing the SDK

To start using the SDK, initialize it with your API key and environment:

import { BoostixSDK } from '@boostix/sdk';
            const boostix = new BoostixSDK({
                apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
                environment: 'production' // Use 'sandbox' for testing

Creating a Campaign

Use the campaigns.create method to create a new campaign:

const campaign = await boostix.campaigns.create({
                name: 'Holiday Sale',
                budget: 10000,
                platforms: ['facebook', 'google'],
                targeting: {
                    countries: ['US', 'CA'],
                    ageRange: { min: 25, max: 55 }
            console.log('Campaign Created:', campaign);

Retrieving Analytics

Use the analytics.get method to retrieve campaign performance data:

const analytics = await boostix.analytics.get(campaign.id);
            console.log('Campaign Analytics:', analytics);

You can use the on method to subscribe to real-time updates for campaign optimization and performance.

SDK Examples

Create and Monitor Campaign

// Create a new campaign
const campaign = await boostix.campaigns.create({
    name: 'Black Friday Sale',
    budget: 10000,
    startDate: '2025-11-20',
    endDate: '2025-11-30',
    platforms: ['facebook', 'instagram'],
    targeting: {
        countries: ['US', 'CA'],
        ageRange: { min: 18, max: 65 },
        interests: ['shopping', 'technology']

// Monitor campaign performance
const analytics = await boostix.analytics.get(campaign.id);
console.log('Campaign Performance:', analytics);

Optimize Campaign

// Enable AI optimization
await boostix.campaigns.optimize(campaign.id, {
    target: 'ROAS',
    minimumValue: 3.0,
    strategy: 'AGGRESSIVE'

// Subscribe to performance updates
boostix.on('optimization.update', (data) => {
    console.log('Optimization Status:', data);